6. Insulin pumps improves glycemic control in adults with T2D

Insulin pumps improves glycemic control in adults with T2D

      The benefits of using insulin pump in type 2 diabetes are well documented. A recent study published in Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice compared the glycemic outcomes in adults with T2D before and 90 days after initiating Omnipod® or Omnipod DASH® Insulin Management Systems.

      The retrospective observational study was conducted in 3,592 adults and evaluated the change in HbA1c level, total daily dose (TDD) of insulin (n = 3,053), and frequency of self-reported hypoglycemic events (HE, <70 mg/dL, n = 2,922) overall and by prior treatment modality (multiple daily injections (MDI) or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII)), age group, and baseline HbA1c category. At 90 days post-Omnipod initiation, significant and clinically relevant reductions in reported HbA1c levels were observed for the overall study population, regardless of prior treatment and for all age groups. Reductions in TDD and HE per week were seen regardless of prior treatment, age, or baseline HbA1c.

      The investigators opined that insulin pump use was associated with statistically and clinically meaningful reductions in HbA1c, TDD, and HE compared to prior treatments in T2DM.

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