Ms. Ruby Sound & Ms. Sheryl Salis at the Diabetes Fashion Show (JPEF 2019)
The 7th Jothydev’s Professional Education Forum (JPEF) Annual Diabetes two-day convention witnessed the launch of a new concept - The Diabetes Fashion Show which saw diabetes patients walking the ramp proving that ‘It’s not ugly; diabetes is fashionable’. Subjects with diabetes and treating team consisting of doctors, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists and psychologists from various parts of India participated in the fashion show.
Around 120 faculty from across the world including Australia, England, Egypt, Canada, Oman, Singapore etc. and from various parts of India lectured at the two-day convention held at Hotel Uday Samudra, Kovalam, Trivandrum on 10,11 August 2019. More than 950 delegates including doctors, dietitians, diabetes educators etc. participated in the two-day convention.