The revisions made to the 2014 recommendations are as follows.
- The BMI cut point for screening over- weight or obese Asian Americans for pre- diabetes and type 2 diabetes was changed to 23 kg/m2 (vs. 25 kg/m2) to reflect the evidence that this population is at an increased risk for diabetes at lower BMI levels relative to the general population.
- The ADA now recommends a premeal blood glucose target of 80–130 mg/dL, rather than 70–130 mg/dL, to better reflect new data comparing actual average glucose levels with A1C targets.
- The physical activity section was revised to reflect evidence that all individuals, including those with diabetes, should be encouraged to limit the amount of time being sedentary by breaking up extended amounts of time; >90 minutes spent sitting.
- Due to the increasing use of e-cigarettes, the Standards were updated to make clear that e-cigarettes are not supported as an alternative to smoking or to facilitate smoking cessation.
- Immunization recommendations were revised to reflect recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines regarding PCV13 and PPSV23 vaccinations in older adults.
- The recommended goal for diastolic blood pressure was changed from 80 mmHg to 90 mmHg for most people with diabetes and hypertension to better reflect evidence from randomized clinical trials. Lower diastolic targets may still be appropriate for certain individuals.
- Recommendations for statin treatment and lipid monitoring were revised after consideration of 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines on the treatment of blood cholesterol. Treatment initiation (and initial statin dose) is now driven primarily by risk status rather than LDL cholesterol level.
- To reflect new evidence regarding the risks and benefits of tight glycemic control in children and adolescents with diabetes, the Standards now recommend a target A1C of 7.5% for all pediatric age-groups; however, individualization is still encouraged.
- This new section was added to the Standards to provide recommendations related to pregnancy and diabetes, including recommendations regarding preconception counseling, medications, blood glucose targets, and monitoring.
- To better target those at high risk for foot complications, the Standards emphasize that all patients with insensate feet, foot deformities, or a history of foot ulcers have their feet examined at every visit.
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