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5. Telemedicine Revolutionizes Diabetes Care: Reduced Complications with the Diabetes Tele Management System

Telemedicine Revolutionizes

      Telemedicine interventions are gaining recognition as powerful tools for improving health outcomes and patient care. A recent pilot study conducted by Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre has provided compelling evidence of the efficacy of their Diabetes Tele Management System (DTMS®), a model developed and introduced in 1997. This study, presented at the 84th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in Orlando, Florida, held from June 21-24, 2024, highlights the significant benefits of integrating telemedicine with conventional diabetes care.

      The study included people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) who had been diagnosed for more than 10 years. Participants were divided into two groups: one group received conventional care (CC), which included three physical visits per year, while the other group received telemedicine as an add-on to conventional care (TCC). The TCC group had a minimum of three physical visits and two telemedicine consultations per month.

      The results were striking. The TCC group (n=59; age=59.86±10.91 years; 52.5% females; duration=14.78±3.69 years) exhibited a 48.4% lower proportion of complications compared to the CC group (n=65; age=56.18±10.5 years; 55.4% females; duration=11.19±4.57 years). Neuropathy was the most common complication observed, followed by coronary artery disease (CAD).

      Over the 8-10 years of follow-up, the study demonstrated that integrating telemedicine with conventional care significantly reduces both microvascular and macrovascular complications in people with T2D. These findings suggest that the DTMS®, model could be recommended as a standard of care in diabetes management, offering a highly cost-effective strategy for improving patient outcomes.

      This groundbreaking research underscores the potential of telemedicine to transform diabetes care, providing a scalable and efficient approach to managing chronic conditions. Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre’s innovative DTMS® model represents a significant advancement in the field, promising better health and quality of life for people with diabetes.

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