2. Should I try the new 1-minute workout?

Here is a good news for those who are really lazy to do the routine daily exercise. One minute of strenuous exercise was comparable in its physiological effects to 45 minutes of gentler sweating. A new study from McMaster University in Ontario found that one minute of an all-out workout could be just as effective as 45 minutes of moderate exercise. Researchers subjected a small group of adult men to an exercise program where they sprinted "all out" for 20 seconds, followed by 2 minutes of light exercise. The subjects repeated that until they had completed one cumulative minute of sprinting.

Previous research has also shown that low-volume high-intensity interval training can be an effective means of exercise for adults. Even patients with cardiovascular disease may benefit; however, just because the exercise regime is less time-consuming doesn’t insulate it from the motivation it takes to stick with the program. Encourage your patients to find the exercise regime that works best for them because they’re most likely to stick with an exercise program they actually enjoy.

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