9. JDC Updates

Lecture at Neurology Club, Trivandrum

Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev lectured on 'Diabetes: Therapy advances in the past 4 years' at Neurology Club on 26th October at Residency Towers, Trivandrum. Neurology club was attended upon by eminent neurologists including Dr.Muhammed Kunju offered welcome and Prof.Dr.Rajasekharan Nair chaired the session.

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Post ADA Update, Trivandrum

Dr.Jothydev lectured on path breaking research at American Diabetes Association Annual Convention at Apollo Dimora on 14th October. The CME was attended upon by more than 60 physicians in and around Kerala. JDC team including Dr.Arun Shankar, Dr.Ashwin David, Ms.Sunitha Jothydev and Gopika Krishnan also actively participated in discussion.

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