Issue 30, April 2011
1. Insulin Pumps in Type 2 Diabetes: Review article by Jothydev Kesavadev published in JAPI
     There are various delivery devices available for insulin like syringes, pens, and insulin pumps. Insulin pumps mimic the physiological insulin secretion. Though the insulin pumps were launched in India a decade ago, they are still not popular due to high price, lack of knowledge on its benefits and thus there is limited experience with its use. Use of insulin pumps can improve the quality of life for diabetic patients. Available evidence from recent studies is a compelling indication not to deny the never before discovered benefits of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) in selective patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Pumps with Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system helps as a therapeutic option enabling diabetic patients to restructure lifestyle based on glycemic patterns.

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