Dear Friends,
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre is an International Insulin Pump Centre with patients from all over the world. We have started insulin pump deployment in both T1 and T2 diabetes way back in early 2005. Based on that experience our centre has generated pioneering research on insulin pumps, presented and published internationally.
The first article in this issue of gems is based on our research paper presented at American Diabetes Association, Orlando June 27, 2010 describing the disadvantages when the equipment is used for mere luxury and the incredible advantages when it is used properly to improve the quality of life.
There are additional benefits to insulin pumps, other than glucose lowering. The details are available from the video presentation by Dr.Jothydev in the GEMS video series.
Second and third articles describe treatment induced diabetic neuropathy for uncontrolled diabetes patients, and risk of diabetes and heart disease for people with erectile dysfunction respectively. We have also included a mice based study which sheds light on the link between diabetes and heart diseases.
It was a wide spread belief that white rice is beneficial for diabetes. But recent studies show that white rice increases the risk of diabetes even in non diabetic subjects. You can gather more information from diet section of Gems.
We sincerely express our gratitude to the overwhelmingly positive and encouraging feedbacks we have been receiving for the GEMS and the video series.
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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA