Dear Friends,
Continuous Glucose Monitoring or CGM is evolving as a routine of superlative importance in diabetes treatment. CGM can be best described as the next revolution in early diabetes diagnosis, treatment and long-term follow-up. In this edition of GEMS, we are proud to present before you Dr. Jothydev's speech at American Diabetes Association, New Orleans,USA on how CGM can be effectively used as a tool in diabetes not only for controlling sugars but also in fine-tuning of blood sugars.
We have our second article, also based on another study on CGM data, which reveals that nocturnal hypoglycaemia (night time low sugar) is frequent and often prolonged in adults and children with type 1 diabetes. Studies for new treatment for diabetes using leptin instead of widely prevalent insulin therapy and importance of muscle mass and strength in control of diabetes are also included in this issue of gems. Nutrition section consists of the details of an upcoming study in Scotland, which plans to check the centuries old urban legend that widely available blaeberries fight diabetes.
GEMS video of the month by Jothydev Kesavadev features various aspects of Continuous Glucose Monitoring and how it will during the years to come, slowly, gradually but definitely replace glucometers.
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Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA