5. Gems Picture of the Month

The Glucose sensor controversy in Kerala

A continuous glucose sensor mistaken for a sacred locket sparked a huge controversy in Kerala recently. A very senior and highly respected politician was shown in a television channel (captured on a video camera by zooming from a far away distance) as mistakenly wearing a sacred locket around the upper arm Obviously such sensors are uncommon for the general public to identify..

The veteran CPM leader Shri. Kodiyeri Balakrishnan put an end to the controversy by revealing the fact that he is wearing a glucose sensor as advised by his physician Jothydev Kesavadev.(it was a LibrePro sensor which is approved for use on the upper arm and not over the abdomen and allows a convenient and prolonged use for 14 days without the need for glucometer calibrations unlike other sensors).

Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev also came up with an explanation supporting the statement of the veteran leader and described about the technology and its uses. This sensor is being used by thousands of doctors at different stages of diabetes including even those with pre-diabetes as a means to prevent the occurrence of diabetes.

Gems picture of the month featuring the sensor on the arm is to spread awareness among the community on the use of such gadgets. Diabetes being a very common disease, patients could be troubled for security reasons at public places, airports etc.

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