2. Sleeping more on Weekends Increases the Risk of

Diabetes and Heart Diseases

Some of the previously conducted studies note that loss of sleep incurred during the week cannot be compensated by sleeping for longer time over the weekend. A latest study conducted by American experts explains that sleeping for long hours over the weekend may actually be adverse for the health.

Experts called this phenomenon 'social jet lag' described as a situation when one goes to bed and wakes up much later on weekends than during the week. Social jet lag has emerged as an important marker for health, according to University of Arizona Health Sciences sleep researchers. It is associated with an 11 per cent increase in the likelihood of heart disease. The study was published in the journal 'Sleep' and assessed sleep pattern and associated effects on health in close to 984 adults aged 22 to 60 years.

"Results indicated that sleep regularity, beyond sleep duration alone, plays a significant role in our health. Regular sleep schedule may be an effective, relatively simple, and inexpensive preventative treatment for heart disease as well as many other health problems," lead author Sierra B. Forbush, from the University of Arizona in the US.

Sleep deprivation may affect the brain activity, trigger memory problems, induce moodiness, anxiety and depression; it may also lead to lack of concentration, lethargy. Prolonged sleep deprivation is also tied to risk of heart disease, diabetes, weakened immune system, hypertension among others.

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