
The 105th issue of Gems brings home some interesting research in the field of diabetes. Gems Picture of the Month features the prestigious original research publication from Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centers on P-CGM. Gems Video of the Month has Dr.Jothydev sharing some tips to successfully manage diabetes.

The importance of annual depression screening in diabetes, exciting research happening for type 1 diabetes patients also find place in this issue. Our regular updates including Gems Recipe, Drug updates, JDC updates etc.continue.

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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centres
Trivandrum and Kochi, Kerala, INDIA
+91 9846040055, +91 9746366655

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4 simple tips by Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev to help treat diabetes successfully

Advanced islet cell Transplantation to Combat Type 1 Diabetes Successful
American biotechnology firm SymbioCellTech (SCT) has developed a sophisticated technology that transplants islet cells extracted from a donor into the liver and does not require anti-rejection drugs.........READ MORE

Sleeping more on Weekends Increases the Risk of Diabetes and Heart Diseases
Some of the previously conducted studies note that loss of sleep incurred during the week cannot be compensated by sleeping for longer time over the weekend.........READ MORE

Annual Depression Screening Highly Beneficial in T2D Patients
Annual Screening of people with type 2 diabetes for depression, the most common mental health issue within the diabetes community, could improve their health, according to a review of several studies. ........READ MORE

Nasal Glucagon Successfully Treats Severe Hypoglycemia in T1D Patients
A puff of dry glucagon, developed by Eli Lilly, is being tested as a potential alternative to injectable glucagon which is currently the leading treatment for severe hypoglycemia outside of a hospital setting.........READ MORE

Gems Picture of the Month
This original research published from Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centers, Kerala is one of the largest single centre study evaluating the clinical utility of Professional Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PCGM) in type 2 diabetes.........READ MORE

White rice to be Prevented at Pregnancy to Avoid Childhood Obesity
A recent study explains that high consumption of refined grains by pregnant women with gestational diabetes may expose their newborns to the risk of obesity.........READ MORE

Drug Updates
Data of Sotagliflozin presented at ADA........READ MORE

Recipe of the Month
Broccoli Paratha- 1. Wash the broccoli and cut into florets. 2. Bring some water to boil and add app. 10 florets to it with some salt.........READ MORE

JDC Updates
Post ADA Update: 2 July 2017........READ MORE

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 The Newsletter team:

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 Chief Editor
Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev
 Managing Editor Sunitha Jothydev
 Scientific Editor  Gopika Krishnan (Research Head, JDC Centres)
 Sub Editor Dr. Arun Shankar
 Editor Neethu Annie Simon (Unit head, JDC2, Kochi)

This newsletter is published for free distribution through the Internet for doctors, patients and public for promoting healthy lifestyles.
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