In this Women's day month issue of Gems, we would like to bring to you the inspirational tale of Nicole Johnson, the former Miss America. She was diagnosed with T1 diabetes in 1993. In 1997 she started wearing a miniature insulin pump on her hip to control her illness. She won over her diabetes and the Miss America pageant in 1999.
This lady is now a diabetes advocate. Nicole has served as an international spokesperson for diabetes issues for more than 8 years. She has worked tirelessly promoting awareness, prevention and early detection of the "hidden killer," diabetes.
Johnson married Scott Baker and now she has a 5 year's old beautiful daughter.
Many celebrities are undergoing treatment at Jothydev's Diabetes & Research Centre (JDC) and leading normal lives with a good number of them on insulin pump therapy. We can assure you a quality of life no less than any normal person. However, success in diabetes therapy and prevention of long term complications entirely depend on following the periodic instructions of DTMS® (Diabetes Tele Management System) team at JDC.