JDC Gems

7. Gems picture of the month

CGMS Gold (From JDC Technology Museum)

CGMS Gold: The first CGM device ever from Medtronic.
Seen in the picture is Ms. Jayasree Ajith (currently the Manager and Chief DTMS Officer at Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Center, Trivandrum).
In 2005 she was the diabetes technology nurse who trained patients on CGMS Gold.

      Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technologies and its commercial availability has revolutionized the monitoring of glucose with the introduction of professional CGMS. CGMS Gold was the first professional CGM to be approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration in 1999. JDC started using CGMS Gold in 2005. Though primarily a research tool, we found its potent benefits in T2DM patients in making effective therapeutic decisions provided the instructions and calibrations were carried out meticulously. Jothydev’s is in the forefront of diabetes technologies launching insulin pumps in 2004, CGMS Gold in 2005 and subsequently all the newer technologies and the journey continue through the year 2020.

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