Diabetes Kerala 2012, the International Diabetes Federation supported, World Diabetes Month campaign organized by Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre was launched state wide by the celebrity film actor Padmasree Mohanlal for 14 days in 14 districts with 14 different programs on Nov 12 at Ramavarma Hall Kochi by lighting the lamp. The symbolic inauguration of “Play the Blue” campaign by Shri. Mohanlal formed the highlight of the event. Play the blue is an experimental campaign by a dozen of well-trained young artists across the length and breadth of Kerala symbolizing the need of exercise for the prevention of diabetes. Video message by Professor Jean Claude Mbanya, President, International Diabetes Federation stressed on the need to protect the future generation from diabetes.
Inauguration of Sugar Strokes, diabetes cartoon exhibition and diabetes health expo by Hon. Minister of social welfare, Kerala Dr. M. K. Muneer also marked the event. The invited guest from International Diabetes Federation Ms. Isabella Palton, Head of Communications, IDF spoke on “Burden of Diabetes”. Padmasree Mohanlal was also honoured by the IDF by awarding him the World Diabetes Day Hero title for being the spokesman for prevention of diabetes and creating awareness among the masses. The blue clad inauguration was also felicited by dignitaries like Shri. Tony Chammani(Hon. Mayor, Cochin Corporation), Shri. P I Sheikh Pareeth (District Collector, Cochin), Dr.M.I. Junaid Rahman (DMO Ernakulam and Hon.Secretary, Indian Medical Association, Kochi) and Dr S Sachidananda Kamath (President Elect- Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Immediate Past President, Indian Medical Association). Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev addressed the gathering and Ms. Sunitha Jothydev gave vote of thanks.
The 2 day long exhibition continued on the 13th Nov at the Ramavarma Hall and the attendees of the program were provided with free diabetes awareness kit. Free bloods sugar testing and diabetes education was led by team of experts including Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev, Dr.Philip Thomas and Neethu Annie Simon (JDC2, Kochi). Diabetes painting competition for school children was inaugurated by T. Gopalakrishna Pillai( Deputy District Police Chief, Law and order, Traffic) the theme being “Diabetes and the blue logo”.
Play the blue experiental campaign and the K2K blue wagon( from Kaliyikkavila to Kasargod) are traveling across 14 districts of Kerala promoting the need for exercise in diabetes prevention.This is part of Diabetes Keala 2012 campaign launched by Mohanlal, organised by Jothydev's and supported by IDF as part of WDD activities in Kerala. A team of artists put up kiosks and encourage the public to promote physical activity at parks, beaches etc. The team also promotes exercise in the future generation by visiting schools and involving children in physical activities. Some snapshots of Play the Blue campaign being performed at different districts are seen in the link. The project is still going on. |