Doctor’s CME: ADA Updates 2012: Residency Towers: 11 Aug 2012
‘Important Updates in Clinical Diabetes: ADA 2012 and Beyond’ was discussed at the Doctor’s CME at Residency Towers on 11 Aug 2012. Speaker Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev lectured for 45 minutes on the latest research presented at ADA including the Origin Trial, Today Trial and the Banting Lecture. He also presented original research from JDC including DYMO and Cost effectiveness of DTMS in achieving glycemic targets in diabetes patients. More than 50 practicing doctors attended the evening CME by Sanofi Diabetes. Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev conducts one CME a month either in Trivandrum or elsewhere. These lectures and interactions are exclusively for doctors involved in treatment of diabetes directly or indirectly.