6. Nine Factors that Boost the Risk of Dementia

A study presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in London concludes that One in three cases of dementia could be prevented if more people looked after their brain health throughout life.

It lists nine key risk factors including lack of education, hearing loss, smoking and physical inactivity.

Nine factors that contribute to the risk of dementia

  • Mid-life hearing loss - responsible for 9% of the risk
  • Failing to complete secondary education - 8%
  • Smoking - 5%
  • Failing to seek early treatment for depression - 4%
  • Physical inactivity - 3%
  • Social isolation - 2%
  • High blood pressure - 2%
  • Obesity - 1%
  • Type 2 diabetes - 1%

These risk factors - which are described as potentially modifiable - add up to 35%. The other 65% of dementia risk is thought to be potentially non-modifiable.

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