
We are hitting century!

This is the hundredth issue of our monthly diabetes newsletter published by Kesavadev Trust & Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centres, Kerala, India since 8 years with not even a single missed issue.

We sincerely hope to continue this educational service and thanks to all well wishers for the blessings!

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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centres
Trivandrum and Kochi, Kerala, INDIA
+91 9846040055, +91 9746366655

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Thank you, friends we reached 100!!

Consensus Recommendations on Exploring Effective Solutions for the Rising Cost of Diabetes
‘Consensus Recommendations on Exploring Effective Solutions for the Rising Cost of Diabetes’ was published in ‘Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews’ was published online in March 2017. ........READ MORE

Efficacy and Safety Concerns Looms High for Complementary & Alternative Medicine
This review on "Efficacy and safety concerns regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicine use among diabetes patients" was published in the February 2017 issue of Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association from Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre, Trivandrum in its February issue.........READ MORE

Early Type 2 Diabetes Detection from your Dentist
A new research carried out by from the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands - published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care ........READ MORE

Youth with Type 2 Diabetes Develop Complications More Often than Type 1 Peers
Teens and young adults with type 2 diabetes develop kidney, nerve, and eye diseases - as well as some risk factors for heart disease - more often than their peers with type 1 diabetes in the years shortly after diagnosis. ........READ MORE

Gems Picture of the Month
’JDC Diabetes Gems’ was started as a casual diabetes update on November 14th, 2008 on World Diabetes Day by P.Kesavadev Trust & Jothydevs Diabetes Research Center. ........READ MORE

Less Wheat Protein in Our Diet May Increase the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
New research - presented at the American Heart Associations Epidemiology and Prevention/Lifestyle 2017 Scientific Sessions - suggests that a low-gluten diet may have adverse health effects by raising the risk of type 2 diabetes. ........READ MORE

Drug Updates
Fiasp® wins EU approval - Will smart patch that automatically deliver insulin become a reality? ........READ MORE

Recipe of the Month
Nutritious Burger - 1. Clean and wash the soya granules thoroughly. 2. Combine the soya granules and 1 cup of hot water in a deep bowl, mix well and keep aside to soak for 10 minutes. Drain and squeeze out all the water and discard it. ........READ MORE

JDC Updates
JPEF Mini CME: 16 March 2017 - Planning for Old Age: Is it Sufficient?: 18 March 2017........READ MORE

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 The Newsletter team:

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 Chief Editor
Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev
 Managing Editor Sunitha Jothydev
 Scientific Editor  Gopika Krishnan (Research Head, JDC Centres)
 Sub Editor Dr. Arun Shankar
 Editor Neethu Annie Simon (Unit head, JDC2, Kochi)

This newsletter is published for free distribution through the Internet for doctors, patients and public for promoting healthy lifestyles.
For enquiries info@jothydev.net.
Please visit: jothydev.net | research.jothydev.com | diabscreenkerala.net | jothydev.com/newsletter