A new study from Norwegian Institute of Public Health has come up with an interesting finding that in individuals with suspected stable angina pectoris, those with lesser vitamin D levels have an increased risk for all-cause and CV mortality whereas those with higher vitamin D levels have an increased risk for all-cause mortality. Another study reveals that a tight glucose control may be more beneficial for those at younger ages but not for those at older ages. Other articles that find place in this issue include: Diabetes-related social functioning worse in middle/ low-income countries, Breastfeeding reduces hypertension risk in mothers, Higher testosterone levels may protect against type 2 diabetes, and so on.
In an invited lecture at ATTD 2018, Vienna, Austria, Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev presented the evidence of managing diabetes over 20 years via a telemanagement system (DTMS®), significantly reducing all the short-term and long-term complications of diabetes. Our regular updates – Drug updates, and Recipe of the month continue.
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