New Year Celebrations at JDC1 & JDC2
Cake cutting at JDC2, Kochi intiated the new year celebrations for JDC Group of Institutions.Eminent poetess Smt.Sugathakumari was the chief guest for the New Year celebrations at JDC1. The new year celebrations and felicitation by Smt.Sugathakumari are seen in the video and pictures.
Jothydev's Running with 'Run Kerala Run 2015' |
 Expressing solidarity to the biggest state driven public physical activity movement in the history of Kerala, Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centre was part of the 'Run Kerala Run' mass marathon signifying love, unity, strength and sharing all the excitement of the upcoming National Games to be held from Jan 31- Feb 14, 2015. Sharing pictures and video. |
JPEF CME with GPA Kochi: 20 Jan 2015 |
 Jothydev Kesavadev lectured on 'Merits of Intensive Therapies in diabetes' for the General Physicians Association(GPA), Kochi at IMA House, Cochin. Dr. Sheeja Srinivas, Consultant Diabetologist, JDC2, Kochi and Secretary, GPA chaired the session. GPA President, Dr. Varghese presided the CME. Jothydev's Professional Education Forum(JPEF) conducted the CME in association with GPA, Kochi. |