Researchers found that white rye bread is more (rye is a cereal like wheat, rice etc) beneficial for diabetic patients. But unfortunately it is not common in India, but let us hope that it will be readily available in the near future like oats.
Research at the Lund University Faculty of Engineering shows that bread baked with white rye flour, which is flour made from the inner, white part of the rye kernel, leads to better insulin and blood sugar levels compared with wheat bread or bread made from rye bran. White rye flour thus leads to much better values than both regular wheat flour and rye bran, surprise results from the study confirms.
In meal tests the researchers also found that individuals who ate boiled rye kernels for breakfast were fuller and ate significantly less for lunch, compared with those who ate bread made from white flour.
Liza Rosén has not carried out any studies of how rye affects humans over the long term, but her colleague Ulrika Andersson did such a study on mice. For a half year a number of mice were fed wholegrain wheat or wholegrain rye, respectively. The results show that the mice that ate wheat gained significantly more weight than the mice on a rye diet.
"A possible explanation would be that wheat prompts a higher insulin response than rye, which means that the cells in the body can store more fat. Higher insulin response implies higher level of insulin resistance. The fact that rye contains more soluble fibers than wheat also plays a role, since they probably prevent the uptake of fat and other nutritional substances in the intestine."