8. Recipe of the month

Hot and sweet toast


2 tbsp (20 gms)  Oats
4 whole wheat  bread slices


½ cup finely chopped carrot
½ cup finely chopped cabbage                                                                      
2 tbsp (20 gms) low fat yogurt
2 tbs pomegranate
salt to taste
¼ tsp pepper, or to taste
¼ tsp chilli sauce
½ onion - very finely chopped
2 tbs spring onion finely chopped
½ tomato - cut into half, deseeded and chopped finely


1. Mix all topping ingredients with yogurt.
2. Spread topping on bread slices.
4. Press down gently with finger tips..
5.Place a slice of bread with topping side down on a non-stick pan.
6. When topping is golden brown and crisp, turn and cook other side.
7. Cut each slice into 2 pieces and serve hot. 

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