5. Gems Picture of the Month

Blue Monument Lighting: The Giant Mermaid at Shankumugham Beach, Kovalam, Trivandrum, Kerala

Trivandrum's artistic icon Matsyakanyaka, at Shankumugham Beach, Kovalam, Trivandrum, Kerala was lit in blue colour as part of the Diabetes public awareness campaign during this year's World Diabetes Day. This initiative was done jointly by P. Kesavadev Trust and Jothydev’s Diabetes Hospital & Research Centre. This year the World Diabetes Month theme was "Women & Diabetes". It strongly implies that your mother, sister, wife, daughter or grandmother with diabetes should never be neglected. As part of diabetes awareness campaigns across the world during the World Diabetes Month, iconic monuments are lit up in blue representing the colour of diabetes. P. Kesavadev Trust & Jothydev's Hospital selected "Matsyakanyaka" for monument lighting symbolising women's strength, commitment & love.

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