
Will different levels of care influence long term outcomes in diabetes? Yes, structured and systematic protocols aiming at specific targets and avoiding the risk of hypoglycemia promises less/no chances of development of complications in diabetes.

We have also included a brief update on the American Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Recommendations 2016.

Can coffee prevent diabetes? If so, which component? Read about these and much more in the December 2015 issue of JDC Diabetes Gems.

We wish all our readers a happy, healthy 2016!

Thanking you once again for the comments and suggestions. If in case you are not interested in receiving this free monthly scientific newsletter, kindly reply with "delete gems" in the subject line to info@jothydev.net and also click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of this page.


JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centres
Trivandrum and Kochi, Kerala, INDIA
+91 9846040055, +91 9746366655

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Festivals in India and Diabetes: Vancouver, Canada

Exercise Benefits Last for Decades
A new research study shows that staying fit and exercising in your youth confers lifetime benefits. A prospective study looking at 4,872 adults aged 18 to 30 years old followed their fitness from March 25,1985 to August 31, 2011.........READ MORE

The Two Levels of Care for Diabetes in a Developing Country: Mechanisms for Improved Intermediate Health Outcomes
This original research conducted by Dr.Rebecca Vitale, Yale University, USA at Jothydev’s Diabetes Research Centre was published in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews in Dec 2015.........READ MORE

Structured Personal Diabetes Care Reduced Mortality Rates in only Women
Type 2 diabetes is associated with significant morbidity and mortality because of its complications, including cardiovascular disease and renal dysfunction. However, sex-related differences in lifestyle may lead........READ MORE

Lack of Sleep Causes Over Eating And Drinking
People who lack sleep are also more likely to eat while doing activities like watching TV. The association between short sleep and obesity is already known, but the present study focuses on a new aspect of the association between sleep and obesity: whether short sleep is.........READ MORE

Gems Picture of the Month
Dr.Shaukat Sadikot has assumed office as the President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) during the World Diabetes Congress 2015 at Vancouver, Canada for 2016-2017. The mission of the International Diabetes........READ MORE

American Diabetes Association publishes Clinical Practice Recommendations 2016
New obesity management recommendations for the treatment of type 2 diabetes were published in American Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Recommendations 2016 in Diabetes Care in December 2015.........READ MORE

Drug and device update
Sanofi submits new diabetes drug application to USFDA, Lilly Discontinues Development of Insulin Peglispro........READ MORE

Weight increase in first year of new born associated with risk of type 1 diabetes
Weight increase during the first year of an infant's life was associated with risk for type 1 diabetes in study of children born in Norway and Denmark, according to an article published online by JAMA Pediatrics.........READ MORE

Coffee chemicals may fight type 2 diabetes
Coffee and diabetes are two of the most commonly covered topics in current medical news. The latest research looks in detail at some of coffee's ingredients and their potential effects on diabetes.........READ MORE

Recipe of the month
Layered salad........READ MORE

JDC Updates
Sahridayavedi Award to Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev, World Diabetes Congress, IDF, Vancouver, Canada, Lecture at IMA House,Cochin, Diabetes Awareness Program........READ MORE

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 The Newsletter team:
 Chief Editor
Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev
 Managing Editor Sunitha Jothydev
 Scientific Editor  Gopika Krishnan (Research Head, JDC Centres)
 Sub Editor Dr. Arun Shankar
 Editor Neethu Annie Simon (Unit head, JDC2, Kochi)

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