In this issue, we have as usual, the video of the month, picture of
the month, recipe of the month, drug and device updates and JDC
In addition, we have selected stories on metformin and its probable
benefits preventing glaucoma, our original research on insulin sparing
effects of sitagliptin presented at American Diabetes Association
(ADA), the use of neck circumference in predicting metabolic syndrome
etc. etc.
Gems video of the month provides a brief overview of ADA 75th Scientific Sessions at
Boston this month. Gems picture of the month is the ancient hemodialysis machine, only to
signify its invention as a lifesaver for millions of patients with
diabetes and end stage renal disease..
We wish you happy reading.
We wish you happy reading.
JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA