Welcome to the 107th issue of Gems. At the outset, JDC Team would like to express profound gratitude to the esteemed faculty and physicians for making 5th Jothydev’s Professional Education Forum(JPEF) Annual Global Diabetes Convention a huge success. We share the pictures of the convention in this issue.
The opening article in our current Gems issue is regarding the latest evidence that is available to prove that the widely prevalent health condition, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, can cause damage to other organ systems in the body by means of intra-organ communication.
Other articles that find place in this issue include- development and validation of a new hypoglycemia emergency risk detection tool, type 2 diabetes risk in children having insufficient sleep, usefulness of cocoa compound to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes etc.
Gems picture of the month features Dr. Riddhi Das Gupta (Christian Medical College, Vellore) receiving the prestigious P.Kesavadev JPEF Award for ‘Young Researcher in Diabetes’ for his research on Fibrocalculous Pancreatic Diabetes. Our regular updates - Recipe of the month, JDC updates and Drug updates continue.
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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centres
Trivandrum and Kochi, Kerala, INDIA
+91 9846040055, +91 9746366655