Dear Friends,
This month's gems video is a P. Kesavadev Trust production. Padmasree Mohanlal, the celebrity Indian film actor, in his conversation with Dr. Jothydev makes strong public messages on prevention and successful treatment of diabetes. This video is distributed free across the internet and through media with the aim of generating accurate scientific knowledge with the strong desire of it getting accepted when conveyed by a celebrity loved and respected by all.
We present before you articles spanning across diabetes studies and research topics including introduction of a miraculous sheath inside abdomen which could reverse diabetes, how sexual drive can be boosted with judicious dieting, the relevance of a handful of nuts in diabetes improvement, how an online real time tele management system significantly increased glucose regulation etc.
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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA |