A prospective low-cost test developed in Britain, checking for a specific micro RNA could give indication of diabetes about 10 years from the test date.
Lack of adequate sleep has been proven a potential risk factor for the development of diabetes. Increase in the craving for calorie dense foods as well as glucose intolerance causes the increase in diabetes risk.
Pineapple rich in vitamin C, water content as well as digestion assisting natural enzyme is immensely helpful in burning fats. Magnesium rich food is shown to decrease the chances of diabetes risk, possibly by stimulating several glucose processing enzymes.
Read about all these new developments in diabetes in this issue of GEMS.
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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA http://www.jothydev.net
Indian Insulin Pump Guidelines The much awaited Insulin Pump guidelines for diabetes patients in India and developing countries is now published. Till date there has been no similar guidelines on this subject and the physicians at large are ignorant, confused or debating on the indications of Insulin Pumps (Pubmed, Journal Link).........
New blood test to predict diabetes 10 years earlier Scientists from Britain developed a new blood test to predict diabetes 10 years earlier. This test is based on detecting levels of a genetic molecule called microRNA (MiR) in the blood. This test is expected to be used together with other conventional tests, and very importantly pin point the risk probability of heart .........
Less than 6 hours sleep may lead to diabetes New study findings confirm that minimum six hours sleep is extremely important to prevent diabetes. "This research supports growing evidence of the association of inadequate sleep with adverse health issues," says the study's first author Lisa Rafalson,.........
Include Pineapple in your diet to burn your body fats
Our body needs Vitamin C to burn fat. A diet poor in Vitamin C will increase the excess fatty deposits on your body .Like many other fruits, pineapples are rich in Vitamin C, a precursor to a molecule essential to fat oxidation..........
Magnesium-rich foods to cut your diabetes risk to half People who consumed the most magnesium rich foods like leafy greens, nuts and whole grains -- or taking magnesium supplements were about half as likely to develop diabetes over the next 20 years as people who took in the least magnesium,..........
Diabetes Medicine Updates After reviewing data from the Sibutramine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial (SCOUT), FDA requested Abbott Laboratories to withdraw sibutramine an anti obesity drug from the U.S. market because of clinical trial data indicating an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. ..........
JDC Updates One day Diabetes awareness workshop for the public was conducted at Nerul, New Mumbai organised by SNMS. More than 500 subjects were screened free of cost. Average sugar was found to be above 300mg%. Salim Kumar welcomed the team from JDC, Trivandrum..........