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Issue 69 July 2014

It is time to energize and rejuvenate with our latest edition of Diabetes Gems from Jothydev's Diabetes Research Centre, Kerala. Yes, it is true that Indians can develop diabetes at a much lower Body Mass Index compared to the Whites and even the Chinese. The approval of Inhaled Insulin is a reason for both excitement and concern. The time tested Allopurinol is likely to evolve a cheap drug for treatment of kidney disease in diabetes same as Aspirin to heart attack. Read about all these recent happenings in this JDC Diabetes Gems update.

Gems video is on discontinuation of statins by diabetes patients and those at risk. Gems Picture of the month is on Exubera -the ill fated first inhaled insulin.

Gems Recipe of the month, JDC updates continues as usual.

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JDC Diabetes Gems Team
Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala, INDIA
Gems Picture of the Month
EXUBERA: The first inhaled insulin –the hype and the fall

Exubera was supposed to revolutionize diabetes care. It was the first inhalable insulin product on the market, invented by biotech startup Nektar Therapeutics and shepherded.....READ MORE

Cholesterol Medications and Baseless Fears(Malayalam)
Saraswathy Vidhyalayam Madhuram Malayalam and Diabetes Quiz Mary Rani Church Diabscreen Kerala camp July 6, 2014

Indians will require new BMI cut off
A study done by University of Glasgow compared the relationship between adiposity and prevalent diabetes across ethnic groups in the UK Biobank cohort to derive ethnic-specific obesity cutoffs that equate to those developed........READ MORE
Will Allopurinol prevent Diabetic Kidney Disease?
hopes for a low cost option

High levels of uric acid are associated with hypertension, inflammation, renal disease progression...... READ MORE
Contraception induces diabetes in pregnancy
A research study in the Preventing Chronic Disease journal, suggests that hormonal contraceptives raise the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), a type of diabetes that occurs or his first recognised in pregnancy...... READ MORE
JDC GEMS Picture of the Month
Exubera was supposed to revolutionize diabetes care. It was the first inhalable insulin product on the market, invented by biotech startup Nektar Therapeutics and shepherded.....READ MORE
Pistachio nut consumption may protect against type 2 diabetes
A research presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Sofia, Bulgaria reveals that if part of a regular diet, pistachio nuts could protect from type 2 diabetes due to a resulting decreased insulin resistance.....READ MORE
Canola oil helpful for blood-glucose control in Type 2 diabetes
New research presented at the June 2014 American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions points out that canola oil helps control blood glucose in people with Type 2 diabetes when it is incorporated into a low-glycemic index diet...... READ MORE
U.S. FDA once again approves Inhaled Insulin...... READ MORE
Recipe of the month
Orange-Scented Green Beans with Toasted Almonds.... READ MORE
Diabscreen Kerala Free Camp: Mary Rani Church, Mudavanmugal: July 6, 2014 .... READ MORE

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 The Newsletter team:
 Chief Editor
Dr. Jothydev Kesavadev
 Managing editor Sunitha Jothydev
 Scientific Editor  Gopika Krishnan (Research Head, JDC Centres)
 Sub Editor Dr. Arun Shankar
 Editor Neethu Annie Simon (Unit head, JDC2, Kochi)
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